15 August 2024

They's Gold in Them Thar Shills

We've already seen Just Dumb Vance©. So, why not Just Dump Vance©?

I should sell rights to both: the DNC and the RNC, who're widely reported to be sick of The Guy already. Who would blame them? With all those ads and prints and such on both sides, I'd have enough to get a boat next to the Busted Flush. Ah, Florida Man.

But, thoughts of vast wealth streaming through my artificial brain made me reconsider why it is that wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 would hang such a pair of concrete overshoes off his bone spurred patent leathers? And, as a bolt out of the Blue, it was clear. If, by some subterfuge, he did get back in the White House, impeachment will be just a wink and a nod away. How to build a moat? And, of course, the answer is simple: a Veep that is so far more unhinged, that not even AOC would go the distance. The Devil you know is better than the Devil You Don't. Impeachment insurance.

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