29 August 2024

Deep State - part the first

Now we know more about The Real Deep State©, thanks to the NYT, of course.

DoL reporting is supposed to have hard-and-fast embargoes. But, it turns out, not always. And more than a one-off in this last year of Sleepy Joe's administration. Could it be that there's a MAGA/Big Bidnezz/billionaire Boys Club deep inside such a Blue Gummint? Fool me once, your fault. Fool me some more, my fault. So, yeah, there has to be.

To be clear: much of the data that comes out of DoL is actually gathered by Commerce's survey staff. Gives them something to do when they ain't no census.
And in May, the agency inadvertently posted data on the Consumer Price Index 30 minutes before the scheduled release time. The report is closely watched and heavily traded, and some Wall Street firms and data platforms monitor the part of the bureau's website — internally called "flat files" — where the data was accidentally published. Less sophisticated users do not.
Yeah, and they not be using RDBMS. COBOL uber alles!!

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