16 August 2024


One has to wonder whether Bone Spur Samurai has even an ounce of grey matter left? So, once again, he's insulting real heroes and praising a couple of rich Jewish donor-class geezers (one dead and gone). And, of course, he lies
[I]t's the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It's actually much better, because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor — that's soldiers. They're either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets, or they're dead.
There's so much wrong with that, and the whole remark is worser. The main point being that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a perk controlled by the President's discretion. He gives it away to those he favors; if that's his ploy.
any person recommended to the President for award of the Medal or any person selected by the President upon their own initiative.
-- the wiki
It is NOT, as Bone Spur Samurai asserts, the equivalent to the (Congressional) Medal of Honor. You know, for those shot up or dead soldiers. Award of the Medal of Honor is NOT a door prize for shipping lots o Bongo Bucks to a broken down politician. It's equivalent is the Congresional Gold Medal, the other Branch's highest medal. Bone Spur Samurai really needs to use what's left of his Alzheimer's addled brain and consider: if he keeps at this, somenoe who knows how to shoot a M16 is going to put him in her sights. Bank on it.

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