01 August 2024

By The Numbers - part the sixty first

This is high-lair-eeee-ous. There've been a couple of reports on wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024's travails as a bidnezzman in the wake of Sleepy Joe's constipated debate performance and Kammi's picking up the baton. You can read about the latter in the "Kabuki" essay.

Now we find out how bad it is: wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 has lost $900 million in net worth just from the losses on Truth Social.

Jet Blue market cap: 2.2 billion Bongo Bucks
wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024: 5.1 billion Donnie Dollars

Jet Blue revenue: 9.43 billion Bongo Bucks
wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 revenue: 4.1 million Donnie Dollars

Them thar MAGAmorons sure couldn't find their bums with both hands.

Of course, we only know this because the root of 'Truth Social' is a reporting company. How much of a hit has his commercial real estate taken in the wake of Covid (the sector is teetering on the edge overall), and his golf courses? The latter are not, on the whole, money spinners.

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