02 August 2024

By The Numbers - part the sixty second

Well, as the saying always seems to go: that didn't take long. Now, as gentle reader does know, I take my NYT in dead trees form, so while these missives have links to the cybertext version, I first see them on paper and generally a day later, or so. So it is with some high-lair-ity that I can report that what was mentioned in the last episode of this series
the sector is teetering on the edge overall
gets another example.
In 2006, the hulking office building at 135 West 50th Street in Midtown Manhattan sold for $332 million. Tenants occupied nearly every floor; offices were in demand; real estate was booming.

On Wednesday, it changed hands again, in an unusual online auction — for $8.5 million.
You can bet your bippy that Letitia will add that factoid as the case furls out. He He He.

It would be useful to know how many actual buildings wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 still owns (mostly mortgaged to the hilt, one suspects), not just NIL rights. We know that some of those have gone the way of all flesh. Here is what TRO admits (exaggerates) to. An independent report has a much shorter list. It's real fun to read. Reminds one of the curtain scene in "The Wizard of Oz".

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