12 August 2024

By The Numbers - part the sixty fifth

Someone needs to clue Just Dumb Vance© into some history and demographics. "Me, teacher! Me, teacher!!".

Humbly, I leap into the breach. Just Dumb Vance keeps prattlingly on about the glory of breeding. More people, preferably fishbelly White, not cows and pigs. As most of the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts, he is either blythely ignorant or just dumb. Mother Earth is in no need of more humans. Mother Earth has a finite caring capacity, full stop. We're perilously close to that carrying capacity today; his kids will live in a world beyond that. Their kids will live in poverty hell. Hot and burning kind, not the ice at the bottom of hell as Dante wrote. The 1% will only notice that something has gone wrong when all their amassed wealth can't buy them clean water, air, survivable temperature, and abundant energy stocks. Way past too late, buddy.

So, where does mass breeding myth come from? Well the Judeo-Christian Bible, of course. Specifically, Genesis and the tale of Onan. And it ain't what the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts want you to think.
This act is detailed as retribution for being "displeasing in the sight of Lord". Onan's crime is often misinterpreted to be masturbation but it is universally agreed among biblical scholars that Onan's death is attributed to his refusal to fulfill his obligation of levirate marriage with Tamar by committing coitus interruptus.
Of course, levirate marriage no longer exists (the wiki), outside of Shithole Countries. Or, may be in Appalachia it still happens. Just Dumb Vance could tell us. The point being that this "spilling seed" prohibition is written in Genesis, about 400s BC. And, if you read, it really says nothing about demanding mass breeding, at all. But the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts try to enforce it that way.

So, how low was the people meter back then?
-- 100 to 162 millions
So, how high is the people meter these days?
-- 8,162 millions

And, of course that mantra of the social Darwinist cabal remains true: "the rich get richer and the poor have kids". There's even a long essay in today's (dead trees version) NYT about how crypto has been taken into oligopoly land; no central control? Not hardly. Didn't take long, now did it?

It doesn't pay to contradict the ultimate truth:
The world is not linear.
-- Donald Hughes McElhone, Ph.D. [math stats, Iowa State]/1980

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