10 August 2024

Ingrates - part the second

Yet again, we find some on the Mealy Mouthed Left trying to suck the dicks of the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts. This time it was cancelling "Morning Joe", on the putative reason that MSNBC would have first-chairs wall-to-wall coverage of the failed wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 kill shot.

Didn't happen, and once again The Brass at NBC News look like ineffectual MAGA dick suckers.

Not to mention yet more reporting on the ingrates in the MAGA Red States taking credit for the IRA support these shitkicker counties are getting. It's just stupid to be nice to folks who've been ingrates since FDR. They're not going to change, or vote Blue. When the USofA goes to hell in a handbasket, some charismatic Darkie Democrat will be dragged into cleaning up the shitstorm just like always?
"Since House Republicans have no record of accomplishments, they are trying to falsely take credit for ones that aren't theirs," said Viet Shelton, a spokesperson for House Democrats' campaign arm. "This is exactly the sort of hypocritical behavior that the public hates, and the DCCC will be sure to remind voters of Republicans' do-nothing agenda between now and November."
And, by the bye, it was 104 in DC a couple of days later. As Billy Joe Bob, a close buddy of mine says, "dey ain't no such a ting as climate change! God said he won't flood the earth again, and I guess dat means he won't fry us like a Tanksgibbin turkey, either!" Gotta love Billy Joe Bob. The wonders of Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts education.

Billy Joe Bob doesn't read or see much news that isn't Fox or Newsmax, so I guess he's not heard about Houston.
"Areas that fail to protect local quality of life in the face of extreme events will suffer a 'brain drain' as people and jobs will migrate to relatively safer areas," one of the authors of the study, Matthew Kahn, an economics professor at the University of Southern California, said in an email.
Well, no shit Sherlock. Yes, it does cost more to have competent governance. And yes, that governance is almost always funded on a progressive structure because just soaking the poor isn't fruitful enough. Did you know that the first federal income tax was on only the top 10%?
In 1894, Democrats in Congress passed the Wilson-Gorman tariff, which imposed the first peacetime income tax. The rate was 2% on income over $4,000, which meant fewer than 10% of households would pay any.
With the 16th amendment, the result was about the same. The Red State ingrates!

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