29 July 2024


Does the term "October Surprise" sound a familiar note? How about Christmas in July? Or, just Kabuki theater?

It's taken a few days, but I've concluded that the party of Sleepy Joe is capable of being Sneaky Dirty Tricks. Consider the assumed alternative, as propounded by Sleepy Joe during the 2020 campaign:
"Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else," Biden said. "There's an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. They are the future of this country."
So, if Sleepy Joe had followed through in a usual manner of passing the campaign to Kammi a year ago, wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 and his cabal would have plenty of time to smear little Kammi to mush.

But, by staying the Sleepy Joe course until just days ago, the wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 cabal has to scurry. Not to mention shooting themselves in the foot with JD "useful idiot" Vance.

Are the Donkey Party that clever? Well, Sleepy Joe had decades in the Senate getting around all manner of legislative obstacles. He learned a lot of lessons. And he was around for the most infamous October Surprise. So, yeah, kinda.

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