06 July 2024

By The Numbers - part the fifty eighth

There's been something of a rise in concern about where FDA is going, and would go if Mad Dictator Don takes over and reaches down into the labs and tells the scientists what the answers will be. Irregardless of sanity or science. Not quite sending SEAL Team 6 to kill Hillary and Sleepy Joe, but concerning.

So, how well regarded are the musings of Dr. Bleach? Enquiring minds need to know. Here's one report of the aftermath of his pronouncement: 121% increase in disinfectant poisonings. Enough morons to get him elected? One hopes not.
In April, which includes an eight day period from the 23rd of the month to the 30th, following Trump's comments, the increase was 121% compared to April of 2019. In the first ten days of May, things settled down some, with poisonings up 69% over the same 10-day period in 2019.
For bleach, the numbers are less dramatic, but still telling. In January, February and March 2020 poisonings were up 7%, 1% and 59% respectively over each of the same months last year. In April they leapt 77%.
This is the Politico remembrance one year later. Note that Dr. Bleach didn't say bleach, but "disinfectant", which correlates to the 121% increase in poisonings.

And what about Dr. Bleach's other bugbear, hydroxychloroquine? Not much better. Here's The Guardian's report
People who took an anti-malaria treatment that Donald Trump touted as a cure for Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic and waning days of his presidency were 11% more likely to die from the virus, according to a new scientific study.
Ah, the benefits of Dictator, aka Unitary Executive, as touted by the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts. He couldn't have, and now will thanks to the Gang of Six, reach down to the bench scientists at CDC and FDA and the rest of the Deep State, and make use of hydroxychloroquine and disinfectant and rat poison under pain of firing and prosecution if they resisted when the next pandemic virus pays the world a visit.

You have been warned. An idiot, narcissist, and all-around-madman rolled into one flabby package.

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