28 July 2024

By The Numbers - part the sixtieth

Sure as the sun rises in the West, a particular bone of contention during the White Boy vs. Black Girl presidential race (he!) will be the White Boy's assertion that his Operation Warp Speed (note: Warp and White start with the same letter, ya'll) was the one and only reason that Covid-19 deaths weren't so much worse than he warned us about.
The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.
-- wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024//Feb. 2020
Of course, he later moved that to 30,000 and so on up until he stopped. Never came close to admitting that he'd blown it.

What seems to have been forgotten along the way is that the OWS money didn't provide us with an effective vaccine, from scratch. The mANA vaccines that do work had been under development for decades; since at least (depending on how and what you count) 1960. The companies that hopped on the OWS train didn't do much. Yes, a couple did get vaccines made, more or less in the OWS timeline, but not very effective>, but even they can't be grounded in OWS funding.

Number of effective OWS vaccines: 0.

Manufacturing and distributing Covid-19 vaccines is/would be a basic function of a public health system, unrelated to OWS.

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