25 July 2024

A Happy Ending

Just happened to be surfing the cab/sat guide, and caught the last few minutes of "Good-bye, My Lady". In sum - boy meets stray dog, boy bonds with dog, dog goes back to owner. I suspect that, for those who see the movie in its entirety, the ending is at least a 2-hanky tear drop. Which led me, as is so often the case, to read up the film on the wiki.
When not filming with then 13-year-old deWilde, the dog spent all her time with him, and an attachment developed between them. Unknown to theater-goers that saw boy and dog parted in the film was the fact that the written agreement supplying the animal stated that My Lady would become the personal property of Brandon deWilde upon completion of filming.
deWilde was the same age as the character, 13/14, and died in a car accident at 30. May be he and the dog stayed together? One suspects that the contract was written for deWilde's benefit, not so much the dog's.

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