12 April 2020

Open and Shut Case

There's a bit of a pseudo-battle raging: to open or not to open? The Faux News side of the battle says, 'why did we close at all, so let's get back to dog-eat-dog America!'. The MSNBC side, and 99.99% of the medical/science community, says, 'slow down Ferdinand, lockdown is now bending the curve, and anywhere it's rescinded, "to the moon, Alice"!'. And they assert that there's nothing The Orange Shitgibbon can do about it, because the lockdown, etc. orders are from/by state governors.

Well, don't underestimate the evil that The Orange Shitgibbon does. He has routinely flouted Congress' fiscal strictures in the past. So, all he has to do is, by edict, simply stop sending Congressionally mandate funding of all types to states that don't follow his 'order' to 'open'. Is Congress going to stop him? The Red state congresscritters sure won't.

Mammy Yokum has spoken.

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