08 December 2020

Maple Syrup, Yum!

In a recent crossword puzzle blog argument over maple syrup, the contest was among Vermonters, New Yorkers, and, wait for it... Canadians. Turned out, one of the contestants (not I, alas) availed themselves of the wiki or similar and demonstrated that Canada is the world leader in maple syrup.
Today, after rapid growth in the 1990s, Canada produces more than 80 percent of the world's maple syrup, producing about 73 million kg (80,000 short tons) in 2016.
Who knew? Not this, mostly life-long, New Englander. I was crushed. Ah, but now it's time for our Northern Neighbors who are being crushed.
"Over the last few days, we've seen new records of Covid-19 cases in a number of provinces. Hospitalizations are rising, families are losing people and our most vulnerable are at risk. Just because we're getting closer to vaccines doesn't mean we can afford to become complacent," warned Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a press conference Monday.
The point of this essay isn't about schadenfreude. It's about us ignoring history, in this case, their's. Canada has its Thanksgiving in October, the 12th this year. And guess what? Canada had a post chowdown Covid surge. Did wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 and his Covid taskforce pay attention and provide evidence in their warning? Apparently not, but the WaPo did; other news outlets as well.

Even though something like 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the USofA border, their climate runs about a month ahead, at least in the fall. Indoor socializing increased. Who would have thought that might happen? Why repeat the failures of others who are on the same path, just further along? I can't think of a reason.

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