17 December 2020

A Treasure Map

Another attempt to map the 2020 election. Well worth the look. In all, the urban/rural, blue/red, Dem/Fascist grouping holds. Although the author does make the point that some of those places are, shall we say, mixed. After all, there are some old, angry, grievance driven white guys in the Boston metro.

Note the legend shows not just the candidate symbols, but tells the reader that each glyph is 250,000 votes. That's significant. In my native New England, which you'll immediately note if you've spent any time here, the Red dots are in the shitkicker places while the Blue dots are in and around cities. As the author intended and explains, another point of the map is to refute, "Try to Impeach this" from 2016. Which report also fact checked the map, and found blue counties morphed to red, and none the other way round.

As the author tells us, presidents aren't elected by who gets the most land.

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