25 November 2020

Thought For The Day - 25 November 2020

How's this for a stinker?

With a limited supply of some number of vaccines in the offing, what will be the negative side-effect of this availability? What? A negative side-effect? How can that be?

Well, here's how. Those who do get the shot(s) will feel free to go about maskless, since they think (and some of the medical community, too?) that this 'protection' also means they're not infectious. Turns out, no one yet knows whether any of these vaccines turn out to be sterilizing, and that is what is needed to provide both protection and non-infection. Place your bets.

So what is worse, once these vaccines are out there, those with brains of a chicken and not vaccinated will take to not wearing masks. Faking protection. One could, and I will, predict a spike after vaccinations begin. You can bet the farm.

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