21 November 2020

I Told You So - 21 November 2020

Way back in April I said (or speculated, but from logic) that asymps were key to transmission of Covid:
Given the length of contagion of asymps, low response cases, and ease of travel for such folk, the phat lady ain't even started to warm up those vocal chords. It'll be many months til she sings the first note.
The notion that, once we knew Covid was on the loose, even the uneducated morons in the Red states would cuddle up to sneezing, coughing, spewing sympomatics was ludicrous. Transmission this intense had to be hidden. It was. It is.

Well, boy howdy today CDC admits that asymps and presymps are key to transmission.
"Most SARS-CoV-2 infections are spread by people without symptoms," the agency said in a section of its website devoted to explaining the science of how to use masks to control the spread of the virus.
And, naturally
"Among people who do develop symptomatic illness, transmission risk peaks in the days just before symptom onset (presymptomatic infection) and for a few days thereafter."
Finally, for those morons who assert that the wee little critters float through the air all by their microscopic selves, and are asserted to flow through masks unabated, and thus masks are worthless
Cloth masks can stop people from exhaling the little globs of mucus or saliva that carry the virus.
(The NYT has a graphic that shows how masks work.)

The wee little critters ride side saddle on the droplets. Why wouldn't they? Why leave the nutrient rich, moist, warm, comfy lungs voluntarily?
Hey, Blanch!! Let's climb out and venture into the cold cruel world!! C'mon!! Do a swan dive of the tongue. It'll be fun.
They may be only partially cellular, but they ain't suicidal.

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