10 September 2024

Sane Washing - I learned a new term

By now, those who read the NYT on the innterTubes have long since encountered Peter Baker's execrable paean to Bone Spur Samurai©. I just got through it in my dead trees version. Clearly, the Money People at the NYT are fully in control, and fully deeply closeted MAGA.

That the NYT refuses to headline every story about Bone Spur Samurai© - "Unhinged Narcissist Goes Nuts Again" is evidence enough. They sure did about that with Sleepy Joe.

The tell, so to say, is at the end where Baker leaves Bone Spur Samurai©'s verbal diarrhea on tariffs paying for child care stand uncontested. To be clear, as the GED level crowd knows from high school (or GED, a ha), a tariff is paid for by the consumers of the importing country. No country has the (direct) authority to impose taxes on other countries' companies. Well... in 19th century (and earlier) regimes where Western powers plundered colonial areas that sorta, kinda is what happened.

But, to give Bone Spur Samurai© his due, how would things work out if his wet fever dream were true: the US Treasury forces Chinese companies to remit billions and billions of dollars to Uncle Sugar? Do you really think said companies would not raise their prices to cover this new cost of production? Damn right they will. I mean, where else is the USofA going to go for EV batteries and drug API? You guessed it: about nowhere. You see China has cornered the market on those goods, and lots of others. The beauty of off-shoring. Who has who by the nuts?

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