05 September 2024


Not In My Back Yard is an age old epithet, but so is Not Invented Here. Too often, in PhARMA, where the advances come from is at the least elided, if not concealed. And so it is with the mRNA Covid vaccines.

About the most stupid vector of the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts cabal that appeared during Covid was the assertion that the mRNA vaccines were conjured up immediately to suck of Uncle Sugar's Bongo Bucks, and to poison the population, and so forth. The knee jerk affirmation of the sub-GED cult happened right on cue. About that time, and in more than one venue, I noted that mRNA had been around (well, it's been around pretty much forever, but it took some time for us bipeds to notice) for a very long time in medchem years. It was well understood by the time of Covid, and so on. Of some note, especially to those who call bullshit on PhARMA's bleating poormouth, these mRNA discoveries were done in academia and NGOs, not Big PhARMA.

Which brings us to Derek Lowe's current report on the subject. Again, well worth the read, even for those who aren't university trained medchemists. The delivery tech of mRNA vaccines is not exactly olde hat, but close.
Among those people who have now heard of LNPs [lipid nanoparticles], I would guess that many of them have the impression that these are a new development. They likely also have a similar impression that the idea of an mRNA vaccine itself is a new idea, but neither of these are true.
There was a time when gaining new knowledge was The Best Thing, but with the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts attempting to subvert intelligence and science, we may well fall into a very long Dark Age if the likes of Putin, Orban, and wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024© run the world. I often wonder why they all don't sign up for Islam: a more Male Chauvinist Pig ideology is difficult to conjure. Ya don't need no book larnin to walk behind a mule and make babies!! Preferably fishbelly white, of course; none of those shithole country shades. "Party like it's 1829"©

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