24 February 2023

Call For Gov. DeMented© - part the first

Two interrelated bits of reporting.

First, this NYT piece on the issue of the RRW of Israel driving away the best and the brightest already. Barely a couple of months.
While the judicial changes will affect all Israeli businesses, the tech sector's reaction is of greatest concern because it provides so much of the economy's horsepower.

Some 54 percent of Israel's exports are high-tech products and services, according to the Israel Innovation Authority, a support arm of the government. Israelis have created more than 90 so-called unicorns &mdash€privately held companies valued at more than $1 billion &mdash including Wix.com, which offers cloud-based web services; the gaming company Moon Active; and the financial services company eToro.
And so on.

Which brings us to Second: Gov. DeMented©'s dictatorial Redneck takeover of Fla. Will the Redneck morons be enough to keep Fla.'s economy going? Only The Shadow knows, but me? I'll bet against Gov. DeMented©.
The bill would put all hiring decisions in the hands of each universities' board of trustees, a body selected entirely by the governor and his appointees, with input from the school's president. A board of trustee member could also call for the review of any faculty member's tenure.
Of course, college instructors don't have the flexibility to pull up stakes overnight the way big bucks bidnezzmen do, but if you make your state hostile to anyone with a working brain, the future won't be pleasant. Well, the Redneck morons will be happy. Until Uncle Sugar cuts off the welfare. hehehe.

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