02 January 2021


One might suspect that many, if not most, of the readers considered this prediction (merely the first of a few) nothing more than excess Snowflake paranoia. Well, what do you think now?

That January, 2017 warning:
OK, so Kim Jong-Don has gone into blatant dictator mode, ignoring all agency heads in issuing the Muslim ban. So we're left with the over/under times to suspending the Constitution and declaring martial law (starting with Chicago, of course).
1 week
1 month
1 year
Cast your vote. Vote early and often.
What's afoot with Hawley, et al is possibly unconstitutional and unambiguously dictatorial, just about what Hitler pulled off in 1933.
Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to appoint Hitler as chancellor after two further parliamentary elections—in July and November 1932—had not resulted in the formation of a majority government. Hitler headed a short-lived coalition government formed by the Nazi Party (which had the most seats in the Reichstag) and Hugenberg's party, the German National People's Party (DNVP). On 30 January 1933, the new cabinet was sworn in during a brief ceremony in Hindenburg's office. The Nazi Party gained three posts: Hitler was named chancellor, Wilhelm Frick Minister of the Interior, and Hermann Göring Minister of the Interior for Prussia.[155] Hitler had insisted on the ministerial positions as a way to gain control over the police in much of Germany.
What wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 is attempting is an even more blatant coup. The sole point of dictatorship is absolute power for a minority over the majority. Republicans have lost the vote in seven of the last eight elections, and want all that moolah flowing from the Blue states to them through DC. Of course, if they end up making the Blue states as backward as themselves, the money flow disappears.

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