18 January 2021

Parallax View - part the forty first

Another week's up, so here are today's numbers:
  >= 1,000 -   943
100 to 999 - 1,683
(New) grand total of counties reads at 3,123. While I've not gotten into an argument with the Topo folks over this re-definition of 'affected' counties, it certainly looks like a move to bolster wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024's perpetual lying.

The major reporting outlets still assert that there's missing data. If not, then the Northern Plains folk are really behaving well, since the axis from Texas to Manitoba is eerily vacant at the 100+ level. There remain multiple paths for the Memorial Trophy Dash from Nebraska south to the Mexican border.

We do know that Reagan California is exploding with Covid. Back in March/April I had something of screaming match with a relative in metro San Diego when Newsom ordered those beaches closed. Let's see... late April. Said relative is a healthcare provider, and ought to know better. I guess if you spend enough time in Reagan California, some part of your brain atrophies. Exponential growth is worse the higher the base; Reagan California is learning (one hopes) that painful lesson.

A note from elsewhere. One hopes that you readers don't need reminding, but just in case.

Far too many vaccinated folks (esp. wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024) assume that being vaccinated means no mask, no distance, no hand washing. The medics know better, and have been saying so. None of these vaccines is proven to be sterilizing, which means that if one encounters Covid two things are true:
1 - you (95%) won't get sick
2 - you (100%) won't infect others

None of these vaccines do 2.

Ergo, until Herd Mentality is reached, even the vaccinated, unless they're also malignant narcissists, must continue to behave in a public health positive manner.

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