24 September 2020

Populist? But Cleaves to The One Percent

Dear Leader Yo! Semite of Thigh Land's offer to the uneducated, discriminated against, poor White folk was that he'd push them up the wealth and income ladder in no time flat. Stop all this affirmative action and reparations nonsense from those greedy dark folks. And their White fellow travelers. But continue to stop unions and ramp up 'sub-contractor' designation of folks who really are just employees. And so forth. Let the rabble vote? Not on your life. He'll put a stop to that anarchy. Hell, they'd elect Democrats. Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe knew that Batshit J. Moron was lying, of course. Now some new data, much like the old data naturally, demonstrates what My Pappy used to drone whenever the subject came up, "the richer get richer and the poor have kids, as it always has been".
The United States ranked ahead of Switzerland and Singapore in per capita wealth, but it was dead last in Allianz's index of wealth inequality.

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