06 August 2020

If Not Now, When?

Intrepid reader knows that Dr. Codd's view is that transactional data must needs be controlled centrally by a transaction engine; any data fiddling on the client is just by-the-way, and not to be trusted. Yet today's java jockey continues in the steps of the COBOL cowboys of your grandpappy's day. At least in those 370 days, the 'client' was just a patch of memory on the same machine as the 'data files', so the client code could deal with CICS, or your custom transaction code. Yes, some IBM terminals of the day could be structured to execute some rudimentary editing.

Well, at least someone finally gets it, and even in a quasi-RDBMS venue:
The colossal quantity of data required to simulate this realistic world in real time is managed using Microsoft's Azure cloud-based platform. Azure does the heavy lifting, so your home computer doesn't need to be of the super-duper variety to deliver a convincing experience.
[my bold]

So, why not relegate the PC to VT-220 status (well, with pretty pixels too)? You get ironclad (to the extent that app developers care) data integrity with no additional coding, just inputting the specs into the constraints. And perhaps a trigger or two. And may be a stored proc, if that's your preferred poison.

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