01 March 2025

By The Numbers - part the eighty sixth

Well... Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) have made the choice: it's vodka and Vlad all the way.

For someone who claims to be the deal maker of all time (with at least 6 bankrupt companies that we know of, so far), he's pretty stupid. The impulse appears to be (not admitted, so far as I'm aware) that Zelenskyy didn't do as he was told: gin up a fake investigation into the Biden family. The Oval Office skit was clearly staged, with Bone Spur Samurai© and Just Dumb Vance© tag teaming against Zelenskyy. As if Bone Spur Samurai© is a military genius. Peace with honor? Not likely. Peace with Vlad taking as much as he wants. Poland's next.

But what is really, really stupid is that by cutting off his nose to spite his face, it's likely the EU will clean his clock.
USofA GDP  - $28 trillion
Russia GDP -  $2 trillion
EU GDP     - $29 trillion
Now, what does Russia have to offer? Not much. 99.44% of its land area is worthless tundra, and no one needs its petro anymore. USofA petro companies do not want anymore petro on the market. They make more moolah on scarcity. If Batshit J. Moron weren't so fucking stupid and petty and paranoid and... he'd have figured that out.

The Orange Shitgibbon©anon. has picked the loser. Bankruptcy number 7 (at least) on the way. And we all get to participate!! Oh joy.

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