IFF AI, as currently implemented, can intuit Special Relativity from just a clock tower and a moving tram will I take AI seriously.
Infinite granularity yields infinite complexity.
Welcome to Trumpistan. Leave your Assets with the Guard.
The new administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision.
-- Dmitry Peskov/2025 [did FDR tell
France to capitulate to the Nazis? just askin]
We are now buddies with the Axis of Evil.
-- Claire McCaskill/2025 [Good News!! Make America White Again]
The world is not linear.
-- Dr. McElhone/1974
Mass layoffs have begun across the city's largest employer, tipping economic forecasts for the Washington, D.C., region toward recession. Real estate agents are bracing for a housing slump.
-- Campbell Robertson/2025 [as mentioned previously, private equity is licking its chops]
Scientists aren't vocal enough about science. There are large groups of people who think scientists are all frauds and who don't
believe in science, and they're being cultured by some of our far right-wing politicians, religious leaders and community leaders.
-- Drew Weissman/2022
I have had to explain and re-explain and re-explain and re-explain, you know, how relational databases work, what is an eigenvector,
what is dimensionality reduction.
... but Flash-based storage has such a different performance profile from rotating media, that I suspect that it will end up having
a large impact on filesystem design. Right now, most filesystems tend to be designed with the latencies of rotating media in mind.
-- Linus Torvalds/2007
I believe quite strongly that, if you think about the issue at the appropriate level of abstraction, you're inexorably led to the
position that databases must be relational.
In a time of SSD, multi-core/processor, two terabyte memory and Optane App Direct Mode (RIP) machines, there is no reason
not to build from BCNF data. Time to do what Dr. Codd demonstrated. Technology has finally caught up with the maths.
I know a little something about SQL, DB2 (preferably LUW, z/OS if the money's right), Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres, and database design in general. Mentoring/teaching/consulting on a short term basis, too. And a bit of stat analysis if it's R. gnuoytr at rcn dot com.
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