18 June 2024

The Gray Lady stumbles, some times

Yes, even The Gray Lady does make a mistake. Fixes, when there are such, appear some place in the A section with the title "Corrections". One caught my eye today, since Andy Cuomo was the go-to pinata by the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts at the beginning and height of Covid. Here's the 'Correction' in question:
An earlier version of this article misattributed a statement responding to a state audit of former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The statement was from Mr. Cuomo's spokesman, Richard Azzopardi, not Mr. Cuomo. The article also referred incorrectly to the source of a requirement that nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. It was a Health Department directive, not an executive order by Mr. Cuomo.
If you recall the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts bombast at the time, that latter was The Smoking Gun of Cuomo's deceit. I don't know if the record has been corrected earlier/elsewhere. Better late than sorry I suppose. This appeared today in my dead trees version in the "Corrections" space on page A18. If you blinked, you wouldn't know it existed. Finding it in the on-line version was convoluted. Putting 'corrections andrew cuomo covid' and such into the search box found nothing. When I brought up the on-line version of the original article, there was the Correction at the bottom of the page.

Four years, and it appears that's how long it took the NYT to figure it out, is quite a while.

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