14 May 2023

The US of Mississippi - part the second

Yet another attempt to re-create the USofA into the Fascist States Like Mississippi. Do you really want to live here? Already there are reports of doctors fleeing Idaho. More will go. Only sub-GED morons will live in Red states, and they'll demand to live like the skilled and educated of the Blue states. Yeah, right.

Now we have an even more Byzantine assault on intelligence: leveraging an animal welfare CA law to motivate wholesale nullification of most any Federal statute.
If Ross is the law, there appear to be few limits on the kind of moral and policy choices states can make in restricting goods sold within their borders, even if they are made elsewhere. Here's how that might look if applied to reproductive rights: If California can ban in-state sales of pork if it originated from a cruelly confined sow, can it ban products made by companies that refuse to pay for employees' birth control or abortions? Can Texas ban the sales of products if produced by companies that pay for employees' birth control or abortions?
Do you really think the current half-dozen RRW in Robes will consider the nuances of the situation?? Or just take the ball and run with it?? The USofA devolves, rather quickly, into the Fascist States Like Mississippi. Governor DeMented is an even more obvious test case. From leader of the first, free world to just another tin pot dictatorship. If you value the lives of your kids and grandkids, don't vote for any RRW; from the lowest level municipal post to El Presidente.

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