14 November 2022

Why Do We Need Red States, Anyway?

This is the headline on my CNN homepage this morning: "Red and blue America look like two separate nations". Yeah, so what else is new?? It's always been that way.

So, why do we? Well, we don't; they're the welfare queens of the nation. Here's a recent report on the situation. Mind, it's been this way for decades. The Red states want to party like it's 1859, but use cell phones and other accoutrements of Modern Living.
Eight of the 10 states most dependent on the federal government were Republican-voting, with the average red state receiving $1.35 per dollar spent.
The eight states receiving the highest child tax credit per capita were all Republican-voting.
Live free or die?? Not bloody likely, if they can control the Congress and keep Uncle Sugar's moolah flowing.

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