14 June 2019

Data Science - part the second

So, today the other shoe dropped. USDA Perdue is shipping the data folks to the arid desert of Kansas City. "Arid", you ask? Here's what Perdue had to say to those who complain that this is just a slow motion purge:
He added that this decision was not made "with disruption in mind," and that federal employees have many other opportunities within the government should they choose to stay.
[my bold]

Well, let's see. What we really want are the number of Federal locations by SMA by GS occupation series. What I can find, so far, is this list by state of Federal employment. It's a proxy, at best. What we really want to know is: what happens to these data folks when Perdue starts culling out the undesirables?

So, in Missouri there are: 35,549. USDA is 3,573 For DC the numbers are 141,514 total and USDA 6,171. Somewhere, deep inside OPM (where I once toiled) there are the numbers of GS occupations that fit the USDA folks being shunted into the desert. The chance that there are the numbers of open data science slots in the Kansas City MSA as DC is ludicrous. For the USDA folks, they're now in a company town. And you all know what happens then? Of course you do. Those that don't toe the line with regard to climate change or any other externality generating private sector activity will be RIFed. With, of course, no where to go. Hell of a way to alter reality.

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