18 April 2017

See The Dots, Connect The Dots

Work with me on this one.

We know that Empty Counties are Red just because they're white, uneducated, unskilled, and unemployed. Incestuous hollers. Enough Empty Counties in a state, and it runs Red.

We know that cities are Blue just because they're polyglot, educated, skilled, and employed. Enough cities in a state, it's true Blue. Have you noticed that mongrel mutts are almost always tractable and smart? Same with people. Thoroughbred horses are a nightmare. Same with people.

We know that Red states aren't pure Red, but dotted (or swamped, in some cases) with Blue cities. All that matters is who breeds faster (I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader) and who is dumb enough to believe lots of things that aren't true. And who actually votes.

So, today we find that real estate experts (or some, anyway) expect city rents to decline due to overbuilding. But that this will last only a year or two, since liberals and progressives and the smart and employed continue to flock to cities.

In a few years, not even the Red-est of states will be able to find enough votes in their Empty Counties to overwhelm their Blue cities. Oh the irony of it!! The real Tea Party happened in that most socialist city of all, Boston.

The KKK's worst nightmare.

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